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Thursday, 25 February 2016


How does your media product represent particular social groups?
         At the very beginning of this course work, we have done a research using the website called Survey Monkey. Its purpose was to identify the eventual target audience of our products and understand consumers's behaviors and tastes. Here are the answers to my questionnaire, they help define my target audience and social groups.

As we can get from these two questions, the target audience would be 50% made by males and 50% made by females, also we can say that the readers would be between 14 and 24 year-old. This two data gives us much information: from this we can understand how to set the magazine, which adverts would be more appreciated and which not, as well as for the articles, who the singers and the artists that these people follow the most. The gender instead can tell us what gender the singers should be for my readers, in my case they should be both males and females.

Here we have many of the most famous rappers: Eminem, Ludacris, Nicky Minaj, Iggy Azalea, 50 Cent Dr. Dre and others. As we can see and tell the majority of them is black, this is a very important factor to identify my target audience and the social groups it is made of.

I got the idea of my main images and main feature stories from real artists that I used to make my research on rap genre. In my case I've chosen to use as artist who represents the main feature story on my front cover, contents page and double spread page on Eminem, as he was the most appreciated and known artist in my Survey-Monkey questions, as you can see from these screenshot:

Rap is not a very happy genre, reflecting much my target audience as they are young but not so much and facing new difficulties. I have created this idea by not smiling, but making always a serious expression. Here are my photos used on my three products compared with other three photos used on real magazines:

Another important element which represents particular social groups is their clothing. Most of them in the images are wearing black clothes, this justifies why I chose the colours black, grey, blue and white for my images. These dress codes reflect so much my target audience as they wear simple clothes which suited the genre of rap and its followers. These colours represent my genre because they have connotations of the difficulties which many rappers had to overcome during their youth, likely the same difficulties that my target audience has to overcome.

Here are some examples of rappers's typical dress code:

Here are some examples of rappers's typical accessorizes:

This is the draft image compared with my final front cover images (we can see the very similar dress code):

Here you can see my target audience's favourite clothes brand (Vans). All the clothes that I've chosen to use for images were very similar to the Vans's style:


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